North Carolina Legislation Impacting RANC Members
Note: RANC has actively lobbied State government on issues impacting members since it was created. This list provides details about the Association’s efforts during General Assembly sessions.
2019-2020 SESSION
SL 2020—74 (H 308, section 7) Extends the mercury switch removal program until June 2031
RANC supported this provision.
SL 2019-132 (HB 329) Requires the Environmental Management Commission to adopt rules to establish a regulatory program to govern the management of end-of-life photovoltaic modules and energy storage system batteries, and decommissioning of utility-scale solar projects and winder energy facilities.
RANC supported this provision.
2017-2018 SESSION
SL 2017-57 [S 257, section 38.8(c)] Repealed State sales tax on certain equipment used by secondary metals recyclers in their business effective July 1, 2018
RANC led the lobbying on this issue and was successful after years of working on it.
SL 2017-163 (H 402) Clarifies the exemption for those who arrange for recycling of recyclable materials from liability for hazardous substances released or threatened to be released at a facility owned or operated by another person
Note: H 402 clarifies that after a recycler sells covered materials to a buyer, the recycler does not have environmental liability for that buyer’s mishandling of the materials.
RANC led the lobbying in support of this bill.
SL 2017-57 (S 257), section 13.21 Extended mercury switch removal program until June 30, 2021
RANC led the lobbying in support of this bill.
2015-2016 SESSION
SL 2016-94 [H 1030, section 38.2(b)(6)] Clarifies that certain equipment used by secondary metals recyclers in their business is subject to a 1%/$80 cap State sales tax (note that this equipment was later exempted from this tax in the 2017 Session as shown above)
RANC led this lobbying on this issue over a period of years. Prior to this law, the Department of Revenue sought to apply the full State sales tax to this equipment.
SL 2016-90 (S 959, section 2.1) Weight limit changes for transporting metal commodities when using state roadways
RANC supported this provision
2013-2014 SESSION
SL 2013-323 (H 26) Strengthen laws on vehicle theft
This law clarifies that before a secondary metals recycler or salvage yard may dispose of vehicles purchased for scrap, there must be a check with NC DMV prior to disposal. The bill was introduced by then Rep. Tim Moore (R-Cleveland), who is now Speaker of the House. This law has prevented the improper disposal of hundreds of vehicles.
RANC worked with Rep. Moore to craft a law that effectively limits improper disposal of vehicles. RANC leaders meet periodically with NC DMV to continue to make the application of this law as effective as possible.
2011-2012 SESSION
SL 2012-46 (H 199) Metal Theft Protection Act of 2012
Note: This bill substantially revised State law applicable to secondary metal recyclers. As originally introduced, this bill would have been harmful to the industry. RANC worked with Legislators to craft a law that is both effective and supportive of the industry.
Legal Counsel
Ed Turlington
Ed Turlington advises businesses and individuals on corporate and legal issues and represents clients before government agencies at the federal, state and local level. Ed has a distinguished record of public service. He has served as Chief of Staff to both the Governor and Lt. Governor of North Carolina, as Special Assistant/Counsel to a United States Senator and as a national advisor to three presidential candidates.
A significant part of his practice includes drafting legislation, building support for its enactment and working with governmental leaders toward this goal. He has been ranked by the North Carolina Center for Public Policy Research in the top 3% of all registered lobbyists in the state. His undergraduate degree is from Duke University and his law degree is from UNC-Chapel Hill.
Bob Saunders
Bob Saunders has a general corporate and tax practice, with a particular focus on tax-exempt organizations, tax-exempt financing and state and local tax planning. His representation of exempt organizations (including charities, trade associations, social welfare organizations and social clubs) range from formation and operation to merger or dissolution. His undergraduate degree is from UNC-Chapel Hill and his law degree is from the University of Virginia.
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